i am ben harman
these are always written in the third person which is weird isn’t it? it’s not like anyone else is writing it about me, so why the deception?
My name is ben harman and I am an illustrator, graphic designer and semi-professional pizza-taster. I started my artistic journey using traditional painting methods from an early age but quickly grew frustrated with how long the process of creating a final image was taking. This was where i discovered photography - in 1/500th of a second you were left with your final piece. i went on to study commercial photography at university but this, the same as the painting, came with it’s limitations which i quickly discovered. the ideas i had for making pictures had become too complicated and too expensive to practically create, so the limit had become my resources, not my imagination. this led me full circle back to painting and illustrating, the only limitation there being my techniques and imagination. it seems my artistic journey has been shaped by the length of my patience.
film and tv has always been a strong influence on my art and a few years ago i discovered the alternative movie poster scene. this was the perfect combination of two of my passions, giving direction to each piece while still allowing some room for imagination and innovation. i have been incredibly lucky to have produced officially liscenced work for many different film studios such as…